Waiting families

Dear Birth Parent(s):
We are the Winter Family! Thank you so much for looking at our profile. We understand that this is a difficult time for you, but we are so grateful for your consideration.
We live in a small community in northwest Wyoming. We are fortunate enough to live at our cabin in the mountains part of the year and enjoy raising our son in the outdoors. We love being outside and being active in our community. We have dogs, cats, horses, mules, and love taking rides in the mountains as a family. We work very hard and love to instill that into our son. We are lucky to live close to both of our families and get to see them often. Family is very important to us, and we strive to be a safe space and to be authentic for our son.
We are not strangers to adoption. Our life changed for the better on November 6th, 2019, when our son Ridge was placed with us as his parents. Since then, our life has been nothing but bliss. We are looking to adopt again to grow our family and give Ridge the sibling he has been wanting. Ridge is constantly talking about “when he gets his baby”– we know that our next child will be loved beyond measure not just by us as parents, but also by Ridge who is waiting to fill in his role as a big brother.
We have been married for 12 years and are truly best friends. We are lucky to have the marriage and relationship we do. We tried to have children from the very beginning, but that was not our path in life. After 8 years of infertility treatments, we decided that we would try and grow our family through adoption. We were blessed to connect with Ridge’s birth mom through Jordan’s brother and had a very unusual adoption. Within a day we went from a family of 2, to a family of 3! Ridge’s birth mom is still an active relationship in our life, and we are so blessed to be able to keep in touch with her and see her once a year.
Jordan grew up in Wyoming. He was raised in the mountains on the back of a horse most of his childhood. Today, he works as a Game Warden for the Wyoming Game and Fish and lives almost exactly as he did as a child– horse back in the mountains. Jordan is an outdoors man to the extreme! He is also an active runner and played many sports growing up. He has a love for teaching and is constantly teaching the children and youth in our community. He is the best dad around and loves to spend any extra time with Ridge teaching him all of the things he loved as a child.
Ashlie grew up in Montana. She was raised in a very outdoorsy family who loves to fish, hunt, hike, and camp. Today she works as a hairstylist and owns her own studio. She has the gift of being able to talk to anyone and loves to get to know new people. Ashlie loves to be outside either fishing, running after Ridge or reading a good book. She has a love for anything creative and is always working on a project of some kind. She only works 3 days a week so she can be at home with Ridge and spend as much time with him as she can.
Ridge is an outgoing, talkative, and independent 4-year-old. He loves to be outside. If we are at the cabin he is running around with his dogs, riding his 4-wheeler, fishing or in the canoe. He is very smart and very tenderhearted. He loves other children and making new friends. He loves his family, especially his cousins. He cannot wait to be a big brother!
Thank you so much for considering our family! We want you to know that to us family is eternal and is the most precious thing we are given.
With Love and Support:
Jordan- Ashlie and Ridge