Our Board

Kristin Mackey
Board Member
Kristin is a second generation board member and served alongside her father, Terry W. Mackey. Terry was a board member for 22 years and shared his passion for the organization with Kristin from the time he joined. Kristin has been on the board since February 2015. Adoption has been a big part of the Mackey family’s story with relatives who were adopted, but also, Kristin has a number of close friends who have been blessed by adoption, as well. In addition, she is proud of the work done to support mothers in crisis.
Kristin was born and raised in Cheyenne and went on to study Communications and Broadcasting at the University of Wyoming. She graduated in 2000 and immediately moved to Denver. Throughout her adult career, Kristin has moved to many different locations for her jobs with Coors, MillerCoors, PepsiCo, and now SuperBook Sports but throughout her journeys, her heart always stayed close to home. When she moved back to Denver with PepsiCo in 2011, she began getting more engrained with Terry and his work here and eventually was asked to join the board in a formal capacity.
Kristin says, “The Wyoming and Colorado Children’s Society will always be a big part of my heart because of the work we do and the families we support. Seeing the impact that a child can make on a loving, deserving family is a gift. Seeing the impact that families can make on a child who joins them is another gift. Being able to contribute to that in some way a great gift to me and I am proud to be a member of this board.”